🍁 Fall 2022: Student Enrollments +more!

🍁 Fall 2022: Student Enrollments +more!

by Josh Manders -
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Fall 2022 student enrollments are now syncing with your Moodle courses. By default, courses are not set to automatically "show" to enrolled students and they will not have access to your course until you update the course visibility setting.

➡️ Here is a guide that will walk you through how to make your course visible to students.

Hint: To help you close out a previous course or to open an upcoming course, follow our recommended Moodle course Start of Term and End of Term procedures.

LMS Admin

LaneCC Knowledge Base/Self-Help for Faculty & Students 

Self-Help articles maintained by Academic Technology and the Student Helpdesk (SHeD) are currently available at the following temporary web address: lanecc.helpjuice.comWhen our official sub-domain becomes active, all temporary URL links will automatically redirect to the permanent URL.

🎓 Moodle 4.0 on Target for Deployment Winter Term 2023!

The date for the upgrade is scheduled for Christmas week (Dec. 28th) but this date remains very tentative. Our host (OpenLMS) is ~70% of the way through quality checking every plugin to ensure compatibility and reduce any surprises. Though many would prefer a summer deployment date, we are fortunate that this years Winter Term begins later than normal (Jan. 9th versus typical Jan. 2nd) and provides a buffer to fix any immediate issues before students begin classes.

OpenLMS will begin offering What's New in 4.0 courses as early as October. With these courses, participants will be able to request a sandbox course in our host's Moodle platform. There is no limit to the number of times you can take the course or number of people from our school who can sign up. You will start to see more information regarding training opportunities from OpenLMS and the ATC team shortly.

📚 Looking for resources to support your students’ learning? 

Visit the Library homepage for current hours, services, and the Research Toolkit that you can link in your Moodle course. The Faculty Services menu (at the top of the homepage) includes links for instructors to Request Instruction, find their library liaison, and more!

⭐ Try Out Your Course Quizzes & Assignments As A Student

Through a combination of adding and switching roles, instructors can take quizzes and receive automatic grading, complete your own activities to confirm that “activity completion” and “restrict access” options are working as desired, and even test email notifications (something is submitted, graded, etc.). For instructions on how to do this in your own courses, check out our help article!

🎥 Zoom Tips!

  • By using the Zoom LTI Pro tool in Moodle, students will be able to attend scheduled zoom meetings with the least amount of extra clicks or logins. As long as the student clicks the link in Moodle - they will get signed into the zoom meeting without any extra work.
  • Zoom recordings are perfect for sharing during the term but are irreversibly deleted 365 days after they were recorded. If you have recordings you wish to save and reuse, they must be downloaded and transferred to Kaltura (available in Moodle), YouTube, Google Drive (temporary storage only), and/or your personal storage device.
  • Hyflex and Hybrid teachers, did you know that you can add an in-person classroom to your Zoom meetings using the Zoom LTI Pro tool in MoodleWhen scheduling a meeting, simply find the option to select which “Zoom Room” you will be teaching in.The option will have a drop down box allowing you to select an LCC building and room number. Using this option will designate the DTen in the specified classroom as an alternative host while also adding a “Start Meeting” button on the DTen screen during the designated class period. Alternatively, you can always have a DTen join meetings via the same Meeting ID number you share with other participants.

Giveth Us Your Fall Term Metacourse Requests
For those new to Metacourses: a Metacourse allows you to combine enrollments from multiple course sections into a single Moodle shell — reducing the need to duplicate resources, activities, etc. when you are teaching multiple sections or course sharing between multiple instructors. 

Use our handy meta course request form or email the ATC (atc@lanecc.edu) for assistance.

Faculty Views and Goals of Using Accessibility Tools
This national survey from Boise State examines faculty perceptions and experiences with the Ally Accessibility Checker tool (available in Moodle), their main accessibility goals, and views on ultimate responsibility for accessibility at the institution. If anyone wants to participate or knows faculty using it who have opinions! Not a very long survey if you have any time 🙂

📅  Academic Technology Center (ATC) Fall Support Hours Monday-Friday 9am-4pm
The ATC is open to in-person assistance. We are located in Center 208, down the hall from J&J Coffee Shop.

  • Email: atc@lanecc.edu | Phone: 541-463-3377
  • Join Live Online Help (via Zoom): ATC Virtual Support (10am-2pm)
    Or join Virtual Support by Phone:
    Dial: +1 346-248-7799 and Enter Meeting ID: 934 628 325

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