The Inclusion Games: An Accessibility Challenge (ID Services OPEN): All participants


Challenge 1: Font-tastic Accessibility: Making Digital Text Universally Readable

Challenge 2: Link Up for Accessibility: Creating Accessible Links in Moodle Courses

Challenge 3: Picture Perfect Learning: Mastering Images for Inclusive Online Learning

Challenge 4: Text that Shines: Accessibility Best Practices for Online Content

Challenge 5: Lights, Camera, Accessibility: Closed Captioning for Videos

Challenge 6: Grackle Your Docs: Simplifying Accessibility for Google Docs

Challenge 7: Ally with Accessibility: Enhancing Moodle Materials for All

Challenge 8: Check it Out: A Handy-Dandy Accessibility Checklist for Your Courses

Challenge 9: Empowering All Teachers: Discover Your Support System!