Course: The Inclusion Games: An Accessibility Challenge (ID Services OPEN) | LaneOnline

  • The Accessibility Challenge

    Let the Games Begin! 


    Attention faculty! We're challenging you to up your accessibility skill level.

    Creating accessible Distance Education courses is all about making distance learning inclusive for everyone, not just those with disabilities. Our daily challenge is here to help you learn easy tips and tricks to make your courses more accessible for all learners. With nine exciting challenges and a grand finale, you'll have fun while making your content more inclusive. Plus, each challenge you participate in gets you a chance to win some awesome prizes! And the best part? You can complete as many or as few challenges as you like, so join us for a fun and rewarding journey to make learning accessible to everyone. The estimated time per challenge is around 20 minutes, so it won't take up too much of your day. Let's make education accessible and enjoyable for everyone!

    Did we mention prizes? For each challenge you complete, you will be entered into a drawing for a prize. The Challenge is open on May 8th and runs through May 19th. All Lane CC faculty are eligible to participate.

    Next step, read: The Rules & Regs of the Challenge (Prizes too!)

    Creative Commons license BY-NC"Inclusion Games: An Accessibility Challenge" by Meredith Keene and Mel Stark, Lane Community College is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

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  • Instructions: Clicking on the section name will show / hide the section.

  • 1

    Challenge 1

    Glad you're up for a challenge! What are we going to do? We'll explore the importance of font accessibility for digital documents and online courses. We'll cover the basics of font accessibility, how to choose accessible fonts, and best practices for using them in your digital content. You'll also get hands-on experience with a tool for testing font accessibility.

    Directions: First read Font-tastic Accessibility (below). Next, participate in the Font-tastic Forum (below). Easy-peasy. It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete the challenge.

    Hey, do you like the graphic icons?  Unless noted otherwise, the graphics used in our challenges come from Freepik-Flaticon.

  • 2

    Challenge 2

    Welcome to the "Link Up for Accessibility: Creating Accessible Links in Moodle Courses" challenge! Making hypertext links accessible is one of the approachable lower-hanging fruits of web accessibility. This challenge will discuss accessibility standards around using links and also how to create accessible links within your Moodle course. 

    BTW, Webcam icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

    Directions are included in the activity, and it will take approximately 20 minutes to complete!

  • 3

    Challenge 3

    Welcome to the "Picture Perfect Learning: Mastering Images for Inclusive Online Learning" challenge!  Learning the importance of using images in Moodle in online learning is so important when making your course inclusive for all learners. This challenge will discuss using images, how to make them accessible, and what things to be aware of when choosing images for your courses.  

    BTW, Webcam icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

    Directions are included in the activity, and it will take approximately 20 minutes to complete!

  • 4

    Challenge 4

    A computer monitor displaying a text document.We've put together this challenge, to share some practical tips and techniques for ensuring that the text in your digital documents and Moodle class are accessible to everyone. From using appropriate heading levels to providing a natural reading order, we'll cover the top things you need to know to make your text easy to read for all of your students.

    Directions: First, read Text that Shines! Next, participate in the Text that Shines Forum. Yep, that's it. It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete the challenge, as long as you don't go down the rabbit hole. Fair warning!

    Presentation icons created by Uniconlabs - Flaticon

  • 5

    Challenge 5

    Welcome to the "Lights, Camera, Accessibility: Closed Captioning for Videos in Distance Learning" challenge! This challenge is designed to help you understand the importance of closed captioning in online videos and provide you with some practical experience in creating them. Closed captioning is essential to ensure that videos are accessible to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing or speak a different language.

    BTW, Webcam icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

    Directions are included in the activity, and it will take approximately 20 minutes to complete!

  • 6

    Challenge 6

    A clipboard with a checklist. Are you ready to take on another exciting challenge? Great news—there's an amazing add-on called Grackle Docs, which is a valuable tool for ensuring the accessibility of your Google documents. This handy tool scans your document to identify any accessibility issues and provides feedback on elements that are accessible or not accessible. The best part is that you can conveniently make edits directly within your document, and they will be automatically saved. Why not give it a try and explore the benefits of Grackle Docs?

    Directions: Your directions are included within the Grackle Your Docs! forum. Hop on in! It should take about 20 minutes to complete this challenge.

    The graphics used in our challenge come from  Freepik - Flaticon

    • Cartoon diver (6). Take a deeper dive course related resources.Take a Deeper Dive

      Additional information for those who are eager to learn more!

      The Grackle Suite also includes an accessibility checker for slideshows. It is similar to Grackle Docs. Let us know if you need any help or would like a one-on-on demo on any of the Grackle accessibility checkers.
      Grackle for Google Slides 

  • 7

    Challenge 7

    Welcome to the "Ally with Accessibility: Enhancing Moodle Materials for All" challenge! Ally is a Moodle plugin system that identifies and helps make course documents and images more accessible. In our classes, we have a variety of students with varying learning abilities. Ally can provide alternative content in a variety of formats. This challenge will explain how to use Ally effectively in courses so you meet the accessibility standards within your Moodle course. 

    BTW, Webcam icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

    Directions are included in the activity, and it will take approximately 20 minutes to complete!

  • 8

    Challenge 8

    Checklist on a clipboard.You've learned a lot in the past challenges, now we'll bring it all together. As with most things in life, being proactive rather than reactive is much easier. The accessibility checklist and Moodle Ally can be used together to aid in the creation of new accessible course materials as well as the analysis and identification of present accessibility concerns. 

    This document can be a valuable tool to guide you on your journey toward becoming an accessibility expert. Keep it handy and stay focused on your goals. You've got this!

    Directions: Jump on into the Handy-dandy Accessibility Checklist forum located below. Everything you need to complete this challenge is in it.

    Time to complete: Approximately 20 minutes!

  • 9

    Challenge 9

    It's the last challenge! How did you do? You have until 11:59 pm, today, Thursday, May 18, to complete all 9 challenges. Remember, for each challenge you complete, your name will be entered into a drawing for some awe-inspiring prizes! And, for you overachievers that complete all nine challenges–chocolate is in your future!

    In our final challenge, you'll find out who is responsible for the accessibility of digital course materials and online courses. We'll give you a quick tour of the ID Services Accessibility for Distance Education Courses website. And don't worry, we won't leave you hanging, we will include a list of Lane's support systems that can help you with your course accessibility issues.

    BTW–This challenge was created using two Moodle activity types; a Moodle book and an H5P activity. H5P is a great tool for creating interactive elements for your course. If you'd like to know more about H5P contact Mel Stark (

    Directions: content

    Time to complete: Approximately 20 minutes!

    • Cartoon diver (9). Take a deeper dive into course related resources.Take a Deeper Dive

      Additional information for those who are eager to learn more!

      Need help? Let's Talk!

      Interested in talking more about actual course building? Need to work on course accessibility? Whether it's a brief get-together just to answer questions or a full session on a particular topic we're here to help. Schedule a course development consultation and one of our team will be happy to meet. 
      Schedule a consultation meeting with an ID or email

  • 10

    Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

    Just kidding, no chickens were harmed in the making of this contest! We have great prizes to choose from. The list of winners is posted in the News and Announcements forum under the entry:

    Daily Challenge Announcements
    Winner-winner-chicken-dinner! Accessibility Challenge Winners
    All winners will be notified by email with directions on how to choose and/or pick up their prize.

    Thanks for joining us! We hope the challenges were fun and that you learned more about creating accessible and inclusive courses.

    Extra! Extra! Read all about it.

    We need your help! Please take a few moments to fill out the Accessibility Challenge evaluation. The feedback is anonymous. It will take far less than an actual challenge; probably 5 minutes or less! 

    Accessibility Challenge Project Evaluation

    Thanks for participating.

    Your hosts,
    Meredith Keene and Mel Stark
    ID Services